Lesson Plans Using Technology


The incorporation of technology into business education has become a key component. It offers the students essentially real-life circumstances and is considered as a kind of distinction. The different modes of technology such as videos, power point presentations, edupuzzle, puzzlemaker, Kahoot!, Answergarden, and Jamboard were integrated into two lessons taught. These techniques worked well to keep the kids' interest and foster a learner-centered environment.

Every aspect of one's life has been engulfed by technology, which is a key trait of our students in the 21st century. I hardly ever used technology in my courses before this program, but as my exposure to it grew, so did my capacity to do so in my business classes.

The attached lessons' use of technology was dependent on two primary elements. Firstly, the mode used had to present the content in a relevant manner that was appropriate for the level. Secondly, it had to cater to the multiple intelligences of the students to capture and maintain their attention.

As such for the lesson plan on Unethical Business Practices, I incorporated a video that was sourced from YouTube and edited in edpuzzle. By using video clips to walk students through important topics, edpuzzle helps students concentrate on learning objectives with fewer interruptions. The ability to view the knowledge in a structure that I established encourages students to start the learning process. This technological tool allowed me to insert questions, notes, and even comments directly into the video. Students are able to pause the video and even replay parts of the video to assist with answering the questions. Feedback to the questions is provided immediately, hence ensuring that correct content is learned. The students who are more advanced are able to move through the lesson faster whilst the less advanced students can work at a pace they are more comfortable at. Using videos in the lesson plan has its own benefits in terms of audio and visual appeal. Edpuzzle is extremely user-friendly and it allows for easy sharing amongst other teachers.

I also incorporated Jamboard into the lesson. This is another web-based tool that is user-friendly and it saves paper. Students are able to switch between the different frames quite easily. It allows them to insert images, add sticky notes, draw or even type. The information is automatically saved and students can return to it for future reference.

For my second lesson plan, I integrated a PowerPoint presentation as well as Kahoot! and Answergarden. Reading and writing abilities can be developed with the use of PowerPoint presentations. When a scenario or notes are projected onto the board with accompanying graphics, students are more inclined to read them than when they are written out on paper. To make it easier for students to read, you can change the font size, style, and color. Since fewer photocopies may be needed for the class, this approach is also economical. Creating the presentation proved to be time-consuming since I included a lot of colorful pictures and helpful notes. In one of our Technology Integration classes, our lecturer did a thorough walk-through on PowerPoint, and this lesson plan gave me the opportunity to put those concepts learned into practice. Albeit time-consuming, the presentation can be saved and used with some minor tweaks for future classes.

The lesson's use of Kahoot! was successful. The fact that a "test" might be enjoyable was welcomed by the students. As the best kids raced to finish, the competitiveness it generated was thrilling. Since the website truly offers encouragement and motivation, the students who struggled actually found amusement in the fact that they placed last. The use of the game generated some noise, so I will need to take this into account when using Kahoot! in my future courses. Kahoot! is quite simple to manipulate since it is user-friendly and templates exist to help guide you along. There is also the option for collaboration and sharing of resources that you have created.

I was exposed to Answergarden after starting DipEd, and I adore it. It is quite easy to formulate a question and solicit responses from the students. It is a great way for students to see their responses online rather than on paper.

Students can produce and keep content that is handy for them to access and use on platforms like Padlet and Google Classroom. The kid-friendly mediums like animation and comics are wonderful for delivering information in a relatable and enjoyable way. Pixton, which promotes creativity and teamwork in developing assignments and other learning materials, allows students to make their own comics. I'm better at not only incorporating technology into my lessons but also using the essential tools on my own. I utilize my own laptop and projector, which reduces the time spent using the school's technology and avoids the need for extra peripherals like speakers and wires.

The use of technology in my Business class has significantly helped me to communicate pedagogical knowledge to students in a more relatable and relevant way. By grabbing and holding their attention as they may manipulate and control their learning outcomes, it effectively accommodates the different learning styles and skills of these 21st century learners and contributes to the development of a student-centered environment.

The many technological platforms can be leveraged to offer material in a simpler, more inventive way. Students can learn technological skills on their own and develop them without formal instruction. When things can be presented in a more student-friendly way and in a format that they naturally comprehend, there is no need to just lecture to the class or put notes on the board.

Given the fact that our school faces a number of issues such as poor connectivity, limited devices, and accommodation, I intend for this not to prevent me from including technology in my classroom. The students need to be motivated to learn and stay engaged and this seems to be a method that generates those results. I am willing to purchase a portable internet box that will give my students better internet access to participate in the various activities.

My method of teaching Principles of Business in my classroom has significantly changed by technology integration. It has given me the abilities and knowledge to take my students outside of the classroom and into a world of limitless opportunities through the study of business.

Keva Mahon - Teacher | © 2022
Palo Seco Secondary
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