Adaption to Change


"I can cast a stone across the stream to make many ripples, but I alone cannot change the world." Mother Teresa (undated). This component of the portfolio addresses the extent to which my professional identity as an educator has been transformed, and these words from Mother Teresa perfectly sum it up. It reflects on how, as I take on this new position as a change agent, my practice as a business teacher has changed during this journey. I have the knowledge, tools, and drive to bring about change, one class, and one kid at a time, with spillover effects on the larger school community.

The Diploma in Education program has given me access to countless opportunities that will improve both my professional practice and the development of my pupils. My decision to enroll in this program was driven by my need for professional development and my desire to improve my classroom and school. After a few months have passed, I have the tools I need to accept my new position as a change agent. In order to enhance teaching and student learning outcomes, I am enthusiastic to implement change in my classroom and school community. According to Weber (2016), if teachers do not alter their techniques, we cannot expect student outcomes to improve. Change is therefore both inevitable and required.

I feel very driven and empowered to put what I have learned in the program, into practice. I have been exposed to a variety of tactics and approaches that have completely changed how I think about and operate as a business educator. I have undergone a metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly thanks to the useful and applicable knowledge I have acquired and the meaningful experiences I have had through engaging in teaching activities. I'm inspired to keep moving forward on a road of transformation.

The biggest things that spur me on to push for change are my own convictions that one should always aim for the best and never give up because change denotes maturity and growth. Despite the less-than-ideal conditions at my school, I remain committed to my students at my institution. I've learned to evaluate and adjust my methods for dealing with my kids and the larger school community regularly. I am motivated to do everything in my power to effectively carry out my position as an educator because I am reminded of why I chose this line of work. According to Fullan (2013), teacher education programs help instructors connect their moral purpose with the skills they need to actively engage in change.

My position and viewpoint have been redefined, and this has inspired me to start the critical transformation that my school needs to see. Many of the tactics I've learned, including those that focus on pedagogy, technological integration, and classroom management, have been successfully used in my classroom. I have been encouraging my coworkers to use some of the methods I have been discussing with them in their practices.

My teaching methods have undergone significant change to incorporate technology, and as a result, student engagement and motivation have increased. Since they are technologically savvy yet the "chalk and talk" method is still not producing the expected outcomes, this is one practice I would recommend my colleagues to follow.

Keva Mahon - Teacher | © 2022
Palo Seco Secondary
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