Purpose Statement 


Life is a journey with experiences to have, lessons to learn, and memories to treasure. These words are embedded within my experience in this program through this portfolio. Despite the road's challenges, my destination appeared to be worthwhile. It symbolizes my professional rebirth in significant pedagogical elements, all of which are intended to enhance my work as a business teacher.

This portfolio shows how I transformed and used my newly acquired abilities in crucial areas including unit and lesson preparation, technology integration, assessment proficiency, and curricular integration. The use of ideas like task analysis, instructional scaffolding, and rubric generation was also examined. It documents my development over the course of the program as I used the information and skills I acquired from the various components of my work as a Business instructor. It effectively illustrates the evolution of an inexperienced instructor into a skilled professional. A new experience greets me as I enter my Business class since I am now motivated and prepared to develop and present a whole, holistic product to my students.

This course has forced me to critically evaluate my teaching philosophy and make significant perspective changes. I have developed into a more capable and self-reflective educator as my function as a Business instructor changes. According to Dewey, learning comes more from reflecting on one's experiences than from actual experience. Because of this, I am aware that I began the program as a caterpillar and emerged as a butterfly.

Letter to Self

Keva Mahon - Teacher | © 2022
Palo Seco Secondary
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